Wednesday 1 June 2016

recount text about holiday in malang

My trip in sendang biru
by Ali Corbanims

Ithe day start with a cloud in the sky. I think the weather is not bad at all, because its not rain today. I have to prepare all my equipment in my holiday. Because today i have a trip to a sendang biru beach in south malang east java. Its perfect time to take a holiday i think. My trip has began in 7.00 o clock. After take a breakfast, i start my trip. There is pecial trip, because i dont do it in aholiday time, but in my spare time, so i didnt get a trafict jam in malang. Usually if we go in malang in a holiday, there will be a trafict jam. So we can not arrive on time in our destination. In the daily activity, the road to malang is good enough, you can just only take hal hours to go from surabaya to malang, but in a holiday time, you need more than four hours to arrive in malang city.

The road in there was so bad, bud its boosted my adrenaline, because it was cool to ride a motorcycle in a bad road condition. The bad road condition has started when i was arrived in gempol. It was a main road of east java but its horrible. But it was not necessery, because i love to do ofroad. And i had more chalange when i was in turen, the road was more challanging for me. And specialy the road around the beach, its so wow. I had to slow down my motorcycle to avoid i fallen in the cliff. Its wonderful, because i had an extreme road but with the beautifull scene of beach.

  In 8.00 o clock i have arrived in my destination, in moalang. I took my handphone and start recording my activity on it. Of course this place is crowded by a fisherman who will go fishing today. Because in sendang biru is the place for a fisherman to take a rest and get some coffe. But ithink there is one bad things. I cant reach the beach, because in there, there are so many boat of fisherman. And i think i dont have a good angel to shot. Because my camera covered by so many boat in there.

   There is a smal island in the sendang biru, but  i think i would not to go there, because  the cost to reach the island  is so expensive, around 150 .000 rupiah or 150 K IDR. Its so expensive for backpacker like me. Ok .ijust take a foto, enjoy the beah and buy a lunch there. Because my budget is not enough to reach the island. But i am felt happy because my trip is my first trip after i got my driving lincense. I went home in 12.30 o clock after i prayed dhuhur, in a local mosque. I had arrived in my house in 13.30. and with the happy felling of my trip.

 les inggris surabaya
cuma bantu teman yang ingin kerja :  menerima kursus bahasa inggris untuk SD dan SMP. khusus daerah surabaya.  kursus ini berupa kursus prifat, dan guru les/kursus  datang langsung ke tempat. untuk tarif yaitu 30 ribu / Idr 30k. untuk sekali datang. jadwal kosong mengajar  :
rabu jam:  16.00-19.00
kamis jam : 16.00-19.00
jumat  : sehabis sholat jum'at /13.00-16.00
sabtu jam :08.00-11.00
mohon bagi anda yang berminat silahkan sms nomor telpon
 0896-8951-6164. mohon sms di nomer berikut. terima kasih

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